Refunds Online (Return of Contributions)

To receive a refund, the member can submit and apply for a refund in their ORBIT account. In the left navigation, select Apply for a Refund Online.

The online process will guide the member through the steps. and they will be able to submit the application and track progress. The member also has the option to complete Form 5 (Withdrawing Your Retirement Service Credit and Contributions), have it properly notarized and send it to the Retirement Systems Division.

State law does not allow the Retirement Systems Division to issue a refund earlier than 60 days after the member’s termination/separation from a TSERS employer.

The “Employer Certification” section must be completed only if the member leaves employment within three months of the application date.

After the form is completed, the member should not submit it to the Retirement Systems Division before the effective date of termination.

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Please inform the member that taking a refund means they are also forfeiting their years of membership service and the rights associated with that service.

Refunds Processing: We process requests as quickly as possible while ensuring accuracy and security for members. We appreciate your patience as additional review and documentation may be required.

The member will receive a refund of their six percent contributions, plus four percent interest.

The member receiving a refund will not receive any other contributions made to the Retirement Systems on their behalf, for instance employer contributions.

Remember, because we are a 401(a) Defined Benefit Plan we do not have a provision that allows for loans from a member’s retirement account, nor can a member receive a partial refund.

This page was last modified on 07/16/2024